• Hi,
    I'm Fernando

    Specialist in developing on demand software that tackles customer's actual challenges



I am an IT specialist whose various activities developed in my career allow me to say that I like the diversity of tasks and to be present in every aspect of a project.

Project Management

Software Development

Mobile Applications

Product and Requirements mapping

Nice to meet you.
Now, let me help your company with your challenges.

Hire me


The course gave me a great complement in administration. These disciplines taught about some human concepts of every organization and some tools to solve problems. Beyond the basics, there were also disciplines in Project Management.

And let's not forget about programming, with a lot of disciplines teaching it.

Along with the High School, I had a technical course in Electronics.



Course about product management, the interactions between design and engineering teams, metrics, product development process, finding competitors, concepts of customer development and prototyping.


Work Experience

Software Development Analyst 2017-Present

Project leader at a start up. Collect requirements, refine them, plan the software workflow, develop mobile applications and web systems.

Software development intern 2014-2016

Development of bank integration accordingly to defined bank standards. Module's development on demand, business process analysis and requirements mapping.

IT intern 2013-2014

From a broad range of tasks, maintained the internal network health, telephony infrasctruture and computer maintenance. Developed a simple, yet effective, tracking system for service orders.

My Work

Recent Work

SIGA Rural - Corte

Mobile Application

SIGA Rural

Web Management Platform

Company Website



Mobile Application

Honeywell Service Portal

Landing page and backend work


Mobile Application

GDO Eleven

Mobile Application

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